
Windows 10 Deployment - Not preforming post installation tasks

I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but I can't get a windows 10 system image to run any post installation tasks. It deploys the image without a problem, but once the image deploys it boots to the desktop and doesn't preform any post installation tasks. 

14 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Is the logged in user an admin? Was the machine sysprepped? When at the desktop, is there still a kace folder on %systemdrive%? - cserrins 6 years ago
  • It was sysprepped, and the user is an admin. I am running the deployment as we speak, so i will have to get back on the kace folder on the %systemdrive%. Thanks for the response. - stephengar65 6 years ago
  • yes there is a kace folder - stephengar65 6 years ago
  • Update - I have to start the KACEEngine.exe manually. Once i do that it will start Post installation task, but fails on Set Engine Run Key. Not sure if this helps - stephengar65 6 years ago
  • Under the Imaging guide it recommends you allow for a minimum of 3 auto-logins so the post-install tasks are able to run. Do you have those 3 setup? - Keltonfoss 6 years ago
  • yes.... cscript setautologin.vbs -c3 -d - stephengar65 6 years ago
    • Have you tried running the sysprep creator? I know I had issues with this as well - I used sysprep creator and it fixed the issue for me. - Keltonfoss 6 years ago
  • I did use that to sysprep the image. I tried three different media sources for windows 10, and all are doing the same thing. when the image finishes.... it boots to the desktop, and never opens the kaceengine.exe. If I run it manually it will give me an error on the first two task. - stephengar65 6 years ago
    • What version are you on? - Keltonfoss 6 years ago
  • 5.1.84 - stephengar65 6 years ago
  • I am going to upgrade to 6 and see if that helps. - stephengar65 6 years ago
  • if you are asking what version of sysprep creator...that's Sysprep Creator - stephengar65 6 years ago
  • Upgrading to 6 did nothing. I think it may be a EUFI issue. All my legacy images work fine. I am going to create a windows 7 EUFI image and see if it does the same thing. - stephengar65 6 years ago
  • Update- it does the same thing. Also there is something i noticed that i haven't noticed before. it errors out before it reboots, and says there is no task to copy. Yet all the task show up in the kace folder after it reboots - stephengar65 6 years ago
  • Update- it does the same thing. Also there is something i noticed that i haven't noticed before. it errors out before it reboots, and says there is no task to copy. Yet all the task show up in the kace folder after it reboots - stephengar65 6 years ago
  • Is there something i am missing for UEFI images? - stephengar65 6 years ago

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