
Windows 10 1903 "Why did my PC restart" error

I'm pushing down a sysprepped image with the latest kace os, media manager, sysprep creator wizard, driver pack, ADK, Boot Environment - from a windows 10 hyper-v vm.  

After the image is pushed down, it appears to be working correctly then after ten minutes of Getting Devices Ready, sometimes the screen will go black with a movable cursor.  Powering off, back on shows "Just A Moment" (as if things are normal)......... then a blue screen appears 

With "Why did my PC restart" error message.  Kace progress is stuck on "Set Engine Run Key".   The latest drivers have been imported and cache rebuilt.  Is it a driver issue?  I've created master images with both provisioned and store apps left installed

and with them removed.  Sysprep seems to take much longer than usual and one strange thing is the VM never shuts down after sysprep has completed.  I have to give it time after the connection is broken and choose turn off.  I have seen sysprepped gold images fail after turning back on after being sysprepped with the same error message as above. 

Any help or insight would be much appreciated!   

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • Do any error codes happen to appear? There is so much happening at once it would be hard to verify the one thing causing it, however if you could get any logs that would help. - jonniipalos 4 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Channeler 4 years ago
Red Belt

Set Engine Run key, is just KACE waiting for Windows to reach the Desktop and send the information back to the Appliance in regards the status of your post install tasks (if any).

What's the Stop Error?

You could follow this KB to pull the Windows Logs and see why Windows failed to load:

Also, I would suggest making sure this is NOT an upgraded version of Windows, that means you installed this with a 1903 .iso

KB Updates are also famous for causing this odd BSODs, are you Sysprepping after running Windows Updates? Maybe try not to do so..

The Windows Logs should provide more details though.... It's very important to get more details about the BSOD or the MiniDump File created after the BSOD...

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