
There's a Node License Limit, Really?

I found out the hard way - KACE comes with 100 licenses out of the box. Any additional licenses must be purchased through Dell. If you have more than 100 machines that will be managed with KACE, you will need to purchase additional licenses.

EDIT: If you are purchasing or have purchased a Kbox, be aware of how many licenses you have. In the K1000 this can be found in Settings -> Server Maintenance -> License Information. Click the yellow question mark icon, and the section will expand to reveal your license count.

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  • Note: I edited the question summary after I got over the initial shock of reaching the license limit and realizing it was an internal problem. I didn't make the purchase, and was not informed by my manager there was any such limit. He had no idea either. However, this was not ever brought up in the 4 hours of training that came with the purchase, either, so we went on for quite some time until one day all of the sudden we were nearing the limit. - Ultimation 11 years ago

Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Checking for duplicate inventory is definitely avoid way to keep node licenses under control. The KBOX comes with 100 licenses but any over that amount have to be purchased.
Posted by: dugullett 11 years ago
Red Belt

You can set a MIA rule. More than likely you have some older machines that haven't inventoried in a while.

Inventory>MIA>Choose Action>Set number of days

  • The cost is done per node. I would expect larger environments like mine (18-20,000 machines) to pay more up front than environments that only have a couple of thousand. - dugullett 11 years ago
    • we just recently had to buy another 1k to bring us to 3k licenses, I feel it is well worth it with what it saves on manpower and time. - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago
  • Agreed, I only manage 300 nodes, but it beats trying to manually do all the configuration changes. - GeekSoldier 10 years ago
Posted by: nshah 11 years ago
Red Belt

Licensing is done by nodes for a variety of other products. Having not purchased the boxes i can see why it would be suprising to you but it seems as though the individual who purchased the solution didn't buy enough node licenes to accomedate your growth over time. 

Others looking to purchase the KBOX will probably notice a line item on their P.O. indicating the cost of licenses above 100 (100 comes with the KBOX purchase). 

Posted by: jknox 11 years ago
Red Belt

Along with what dugullet posted about MIA, it's also possible that you could have duplicate inventory.

This article explains how to report on and mitigate any duplicates: http://www.kace.com/support/resources/kb/article/Understanding-and-Dealing-With-Duplicate-Machines-In-Inventory?action=artikel&cat=9&id=673&artlang=en

Please review this and pay particular attention to the 'Duplicate Machine Detection' feature. You want to make sure this box is checked.

Duplicates can happen because the KBOX treats a new connection as a new system.

Therefore when you connect wired, wireless, through a dock, through VPN, occasionally it can cause the KBOX to create multiple inventory records for the same system.

Sometimes you can also see this issue when the AMP socket on a client machine times out and creates a new connection before the old one can reconnect causing duplicate entries.

  • We just got a pop up telling us we only have 5 left and are in the midst of a big XP eradication push.... so are adding machines all the time. It says that we can "ignore" the alert for 2 weeks, but what is the impact if/when we hit this mark? I am not the admin for the server part and our net admin is on a big switch project so is not really focused on the KACE server at the moment and I want to be sure it is not going to come to a screaching deployment halt. What is the license add process, or is that just thru sales? Thanks. - jschu67 11 years ago
    • Once you hit the limit, any new machines will not check in. You would get additional licenses through KACE sales. If the machines are only temporary and about to be replaced, advise them of that as well. - jknox 11 years ago
    • Do an advanced search for machines with an OS of XP. Sort by "Last Sync". Delete all the older ones. Worst case if they are not decommissioned they'll check back in once they are turned on. Also setup a MIA rule. - dugullett 11 years ago
      • Run through the duplicate inventory article above as well to remove any duplicates. The MIA function might also be helpful. - jknox 11 years ago
    • sounds like you are talking the kace2000 vs the 1000 - SMal.tmcc 11 years ago

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