
Service Desk and Multiple Locations

I am looking for some best practices surrounding managing multiple locations through the service desk. For reporting purposes I feel like it is easiest to create a separate queue for the second location we are standing up. However, from an ease of access standpoint, I feel it is easier for the help desk techs to manage one ticket queue rather than bouncing back and forth between two. My questions are:

1. Is there an ideal way to manage tickets coming into the service desk from multiple sites? If so, how are you currently doing this and how are you differentiating the tickets as they come in?

2. From a reporting standpoint, does it make more sense to have two separate queues?

3. Anything else that may be beneficial?

Thank you!

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 3 years ago
Red Belt

The answer to your question, probably lies within your question, reporting!

so when you talk about location are you talking about the location of the techs or the location of the customer?

And which is the perspective you need to use for reporting?

If the location is the customer, then you need to include location information in the ticket in the form of a data field. That can be selected as a drop down or populated via a rule from the user details imported from AD, if you keep that information up to date.

You will then be able to build a report that says “show me the tickets logged, this week, where the location value = London”.

If the location is driven by the supporting technician, then just create a report for London that includes stats for the London based techs.

You could create a report that includes multiple Queue ids, but I always recommend that KACE users are careful when creating multiple queues, as it gives chances for tickets to become lost or misdirected which ultimately will reduce the level of service you give to your customers.

  • Thanks for the response. I am more so looking for descriptive information in the ticket list layout so that techs can easily see the location of the user when looking at the queue. I was able to import the proper AD attributes so that the location field within the ticket now shows the state of the user, but I am uncertain as to how I can go about getting the location field in the ticket list layout.

    I am also trying to add the location to the ticket email. I have found some SQL syntax for ticket rules that I am currently trying to massage. - rruhl 3 years ago
    • So I took a look at this for a customer a few weeks ago, the challenge you have is that the location stored in the user table is stored as an ID and as such you will then have to join that to the asset table to get the text name of the location. If you add this into a custom field you should get all the locations names displayed


      But you will still need to create a rule that sets the location that is correct for the user submitting the ticket.

      You'd think, by the way that KACE would update the help for custom fields as the query it suggests as an example has not actually worked for years!!! - Hobbsy 3 years ago
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