
Script/Install Office365(Office 2013) with Click-to-Run

Running hosted email with Office365 and E3 accounts that include Office365 Professional Plus (Office 2013).
Deployment is either direct from the Office365 portal by the user, or via the click-to-run utility. https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=36778

This commandline-only tool works splendidly when run directly from the computer. Even works well when thrown in a bat script.
My problem is that I cannot get it to work from the KBOX.

for reference the command structure is like this:
\\server\share\setup.exe /configure \\server\share\configuration.xml

I've tried online kscript, online shell, and offline kscript and none work for me.

Any advice on getting this to work?

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • I am having a similar issue. I trying to deploy Office 2013 through a bat post-install task. Here's my script:
    net use p: "\\server\\office 2013\"
    When the task fails, I can deploy it through command line without any problems. I just can't get it to deploy as a silent install. BTW, I created an msp file using OCT and it's in the update folder. - lnovak 9 years ago

Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: jknox 9 years ago
Red Belt
I haven't dealt with Office 365, but that looks a lot like the setup for Office 2013.  You might be able to use a managed install for that, similar to this one: http://www.itninja.com/blog/view/deploying-office-2013-managed-install

That method assumes that you do not need admin rights to install the software.

Also, if it works in a batch file, you could upload the .bat as a dependency to an online kscript and then call the .bat file using "Launch a program".  Modify the "Run As" portion if admin rights are needed.

  • Sadly, it's quite different than the stand-alone version of Office 2013.
    installation is all done either via applets from the Portal, or through this click-to-run utility.

    I'll look again at the online kscript. - nseery 9 years ago
Posted by: EdT 9 years ago
Red Belt

Top Answer

The reason it may not be working through the kbox is that the local client uses a system account to perform installs. LocalSystem accounts do not have ANY domain or network privileges so any network paths used in the install are not going to be accessible.

  • Ah, I didn't realize that.
    Changed to run as USER: and now it works when defining an Admin account.

    Thanks! - nseery 9 years ago
    • I am a newbie here and also new to kace can you give more detailed instructions as how to do this. I am trying to install o365 to a hundred or so users. - medicinemanjeff 9 years ago
      • All the details that worked for me are covered here, is there a specific question I might could answer? - nseery 9 years ago
      • Ok here is what I have done,

        I created a configuration.xml file, a zip file called o365.zip. Inside the office365.zip there is the configuration.xml file, the setup.exe and a folder called office. The folder contains a data folder and under that another file with the cabs.

        In the kbox I created a new script that is setup with a dependency with the o365.zip file. I have one task to install the file. The package refers to the Microsoft office 365 pro plus. I have the install args as $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\setup.exe /configure $(KACE_DEPENDENCY_DIR)\configuration.xml
        The flags are set to no flags. I have tried to run this as an online script and an offline script. What am I missing here? I am sure it is something really simple but I cant seem to get it right.

        Any help you have would be really appreciated. I have screen shots of everything if that might help.

        Thank you very much for anything in advance - medicinemanjeff 9 years ago
      • oh and I am running this as administrator - medicinemanjeff 9 years ago
      • (replying here, because cannot reply below)
        You're bundling the entire installation? That makes quite a hefty file.
        Is that smaller than the KBOX can handle?

        I've got the contents downloaded and shared on a server (thus the network issues)
        "setup.exe /download //path-to/destination/folder"
        Then I'm running that from each client like this:
        "//path-to-setup/setup.exe /configure //path-to-config/config.xml"

        Once I ran it as a Domain admin, things worked easily.

        That clear anything up? - nseery 9 years ago
      • Hi MedicineMan - Were you able to get your install working on Kace? I'm in a similar situation and like your approach. Please advise! Thanks, - kaced 8 years ago
Posted by: nseery 9 years ago
Purple Belt
LOCALSYSTEM doesn't have access to network resources.
Changing the RUN AS to a Domain Admin made it work correctly.

  • Gosh, I wish I'd said that. Wait - I did ;-) - EdT 9 years ago
    • Yup, I posted it again, with the corrective step, so anyone else running into this problem could hopefully scan quickly and find the answer they're looking for.
      Thanks for the tip! - nseery 9 years ago
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