
Scheduled reports not being delivered.

I would like to run some reports on a weekly basis and have them sent at a specific time of day.  I believe I have the wizard set up correctly, but I am not receiving the reports and when I attempt to "run now", nothing happens.  All other e-mail functionality on my K1000 (ticket notifications, etc.) are functioning correctly and I can generate the reports correctly when email is not involved.  I've messed around with all of the settings that I can think of that would affect report scheduling and nothing is fixing the issue.  Can someone help me?  If any other information is needed, I can provide it.  Thanks!

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Test if generating a PDF report works fine... - Channeler 7 years ago
    • Generating reports ad hoc works fine regardless of method (HTML, PDF, etc.) I can pull any kind of report needed; I just can't get them to go through scheduled e-mail. But, yet, any email contact the ticketing system makes (new ticket creation, ticket update, ticket closed, etc). sends without issue. - jonathanpepper 7 years ago
      • Better contact support, with your details, it sees something pertaining the Sending email sequence for Reports is not working.
        (make sure the email is correct of course). - Channeler 7 years ago
  • Jonathan, Were you ever able to get this issue resolved? I am experiencing the same issue and have been working with support for 2 weeks not and they don't seem to understand what the issue is.
    Thanks - dustinber 6 years ago
    • hey dustin,
      having the same issue here - did you resolve it yet? - gambizzle 6 years ago
      • Gambizzle, Yes I was able to get this resolved. I found that the Kace system has problems with using CAPS letters in its System/queue email names, K1000 DNS Hostname, Web Server Name, Domain name, and smtp server. I basically went thru and changed any Cap letter to lowercase. For example the K1000 DNS hostname I had set as all Caps, HOSTNAMESERVER and then changed it to be hostnameserver and the same for the Domain name MYDOMAIN.ORG to mydomain.org. It was hard to believe that was the cause, but once I changed all to lowercase letters the emails started working without issue. I even reviewed the install documentation to see if there was any mention of not using Caps letters when configuring the system, but found nothing. It is a linux box and linux does handle Caps letters differently so that must me the cause here. - dustinber 6 years ago

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