
Questions About Designing Custom Ticket Rules

1. How do you design the rule so that it only occurs when the ticket is opened and not repeatedly on save on the same ticket?

2. Can you have the emailed results of a ticket search be saved as a flat file (.csv,.xls, etc.)?

3. other than changing values on the ticket are there any other functions custom ticket rules can do?

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Answers (2)

Posted by: Hobbsy 9 months ago
Red Belt

Ticket rules ROCK!!!

Ticket rules can do just about anything when you know how!!!

To answer your questions.....

1, Either run the rule off the TICKET_CHANGE table and restrict it to changes within the last 15 mins or manually I recommend using a switch or lock field.

So use a hidden Custom field with a default value of '1'

Every ticket logged then has a custom field with the default value of '1'

Create the ticket to run with your criteria and add when the custom field is = 1

In your update statement include setting the value in the field to 2

Once that has been set the ticket will not be selected again........simple!!

2, Do your ticket search and on the choose Action menu dropdown select Export and then select the format you want

3. As mentioned above ticket rules can do anything..........

If you want to know more feel free to get in touch and we can setup a call to have a chat, I've only been a KACE professional for 13 years, so plug into the experience ;o)

Posted by: vmcelfresh 9 months ago
Orange Belt

I have not been successful in creating ticket rules.  Typically anytime I create one, I end up affecting every single ticket in the system.  I would like to set up some things to send reminders to owners to check in on the ticket, update the user, etc., but when I have tried to set that up, I end up changing the status of all 14000 tickets in the system.

Is there a guide somewhere that would help.  I do not find the information on the kace knowledge base at all helpful.  I do not know what syntax to use to say if this ticket has no activity for X days, then followup. 

  • Yeah, I'm running into similar problems, like it retroactively applies the change to past tickets that may not be what I want. or it will overwrite something and make it unadjustable for a user. - MC9921 9 months ago
  • Yeah, I'm running into similar problems, like it retroactively applies the change to past tickets that may not be what I want. or it will overwrite something and make it unadjustable for a user. - MC9921 9 months ago

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