
Latitude E5540 won't boot to KBE - Error 1231

I've had the 1231 error previously for several models. Always either a NIC driver or bios update fixed it. I've used the driver extraction tool from KACE, I've done the driver feed, and also downloaded every version off the the Dell support site, recached drivers, made a new KBE and I'm still no where closer.

I've also tried both the A00 version bios the laptop comes with and the A05 version available for download. Is any one else having this issue or running into this same problem?

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
WinPE3.0 Driver CAB: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=8YRGH&fileId=3379626448&osCode=W764&productCode=latitude-e5440-laptop&languageCode=EN&categoryId=SM
Posted by: BHC-Austin 10 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

When uploading the drivers to update the KBE, make sure you are putting them in \\k2000\drivers\kbe_windows_x86 (or x64 depending on platform) before you re-cache. I had to do that for the E6440 (we haven't purchased any E5440's yet).

Also, make sure you have Secure Boot turned off and BIOS mode set to Legacy, so that it's not trying to do a UEFI boot.

Those are the only things I can think that would cause that problem.

  • Thanks for the reply Austin. I verified the BIOS settings are all setup correctly. I've got the 32bit drivers in the x86 folder and 64bit in the x64 folder. I honestly am out of troubleshooting clues at this point. - aaronr 10 years ago
    • It's a stumper for sure. The only other suggestion I have is make sure you've got the right drivers. Here's the one for the Exx40 systems: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=XG1V2&fileId=3361435059&osCode=W764&productCode=latitude-e5440-laptop&languageCode=EN&categoryId=NI

      Or you could try the WinPE3.0 Driver CAB here: http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=8YRGH&fileId=3379626448&osCode=W764&productCode=latitude-e5440-laptop&languageCode=EN&categoryId=SM - BHC-Austin 10 years ago
      • Wow...after all that work, the CAB file fixed it. Ridiculous. Thank you sir for your help. 15 copies of the same driver later its working. - aaronr 10 years ago
      • Must have been something besides the NIC driver... the CAB includes all drivers needed for WinPE. Glad you got it working. - BHC-Austin 10 years ago
      • It had only NIC and Storage drivers in that cab you posted, which is why it was weird. I don't know. Score another one for Dell. - aaronr 10 years ago

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