
Kace Agent 6.3 for Linux requires dependencies on some installations

We have four linux boxes in production.  Two upgraded from 6.2.1020 with out issue.  They are Debian boxes.

The other two (one Debian the other RHEL6) did not upgrade.  When doing a manual installation of the 6.3 agent, each fails citing dependency failures.  See example from the RHEL6 box.

# rpm -hiv ampagent-6.3.306.rhel.32.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
        /usr/bin/lpstat is needed by ampagent-6.3.306-1.i386
        pciutils is needed by ampagent-6.3.306-1.i386

I assume this is due to the new monitoring component of the agent.  

A second symptom is the two servers that failed to upgrade still connect and show online in Kace, but fail to complete inventory.  It has been a couple of weeks since they successfully inventoried.  The two with 6.3 agents are chugging along happily.

I've checked the amp.conf on the failing boxes and they are correct.

I'm not sure what the resolution is to this issue.  All four linux boxes are server appliances and I'm not sure if installing additional components is a good idea.  Any ideas?

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Answers (6)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: jknox 9 years ago
Red Belt
You can see what the dependencies of the agent are in Red Hat by using "rpm -qpR" in terminal on the agent installer file.

You can visit this site to see what the dependencies correspond to: http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/

As a side note, if you don't want to install the dependencies, you could keep the 6.2 agent on these servers and exclude them from your agent update task.

For the other servers that aren't completing inventory, I'd suggest opening a support ticket.  Be forewarned that Debian is not a supported operating system.
Posted by: deliveryboy 9 years ago
Orange Senior Belt

Top Answer

You've 3 real choices:
  1. As mentioned and keep the original agent
  2. Install the dependencies
  3. Force the install, there is a switch to ignore dependency issues but to be honest in this case its highly likely the agent wont run so is not a real option and I wouldn't recommend it
Posted by: wafflesmcduff 8 years ago
Yellow Belt

We decided that we couldn't imagine how KACE could be utilizing lpstat (which is part of CUPS). So we decided to install it with --nodeps

So far, so good.

  • This still working good for you? Just curious - brucegoose03 7 years ago
Posted by: AHMFG 9 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
I have opened a support ticket with Kace about the 6.2.1020 agents not completing inventory.  Once they are checking in again I can work with the linux appliance vendors about the dependencies. 
Posted by: Sixhammers 2 years ago
White Belt

I just ran into this issue working with with Oracle Linux, (Yes I know nothing is ever supported) 

The following two command seem to resolve my issues: 

yum -y install psmisc

yum -y install cups

Happy Hunting. 

Posted by: brucegoose03 9 years ago
5th Degree Black Belt
Maybe try running this and try the agent install again?

yum install pciutils

yum install lpstat

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