
K2000 : UEFI deployment questions

Hi all,

I have a question about UEFI deployment using Dell KACE K2000... If I reinstall a computer several times, I have multiple Windows Boot Manager and I don't know how to avoid it...

Can you help me?

Actually I have 2 preinstall tasks :

The first one to configure the BIOS in UEFI mode using CCTK:

X:\Command_Configure\AMD64\cctk.exe bootorder --activebootlist=uefi
X:\Command_Configure\AMD64\cctk.exe bootorder --disabledevice=floppy --sequence=hdd,embnic --deepsleepctrl=disable --embnic1=on --embsataraid=ahci --legacyorom=enable --wakeonlan=lanwithpxeboot

The second one to partitioning the disk:

select volume 0
remove all noerr
select disk 0
convert gpt
create partition efi size=200
select partition 1
format fs=fat32 label="EFI" quick
assign letter=s
create partition msr size=128
create partition primary
select partition 3
format fs=ntfs label="SYSTEM" quick
assign letter=d

I also use the following mid-installation task:

bcdboot d:\windows /s s: /f UEFI
bcdedit /store S:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {bootmgr} device partition=s:
bcdedit /store S:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {memdiag} device partition=s:
bcdedit /store S:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {default} device partition=d:
bcdedit /store S:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {default} osdevice partition=d:

Do I forget something?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Make sure the Machine is in fact in UEFI mode... I would not rely in DELL command configure to confirm this.

    Also, Why are not using the default Create UEFI partitions task?:

    Select disk 0
    Convert gpt
    Create partition efi size=200
    Assign letter=s
    Format quick fs=FAT32
    Create partition msr size=128
    Create partition primary
    Assign letter=c
    Format quick fs=NTFS
    Exit - Channeler 7 years ago
  • I confirm that the computer is in UEFI mode. It works but I have duplicated Windows Boot Manager and it's not "clean" for me.

    I just adapted task to my environnent but it sensibly the same. - SITEL 7 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Vinarino 9 months ago
Senior White Belt

bcdboot c:\windows /s s: /f UEFI

bcdedit /store S:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {bootmgr} device partition=s:

bcdedit /store S:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {memdiag} device partition=s:

bcdedit /store S:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {default} device partition=c:

bcdedit /store S:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {default} osdevice partition=c:

Bcdedit /store S:\efi\microsoft\boot\bcd /set {FWbootmgr} displayorder {Bootmgr} /addfirst

bootsect /nt60 s:

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