
is it possible to install crystal reports 2016 silently and let it prompt for licence key when the user launch application for the first time??

my aim is to install application silently.

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Answers (4)

Posted by: feeldamped 5 years ago
Third Degree Blue Belt
Would you be able to install it by following this?

Look at section 2.3, it goes over how to create an answer file, and then how to set up the setup.exe file to read from the answer file.
Posted by: mukhtar 4 years ago
Orange Belt

Yes it is possible to Create a silent uninstall.  SAP site could be clearer.


What you hvae to do is capture a uninstall Response file oncee its install on a PC as follows:

setup.exe -w C:\responseUNinstall.ini 

Then take this response file and script it to silently uninstall.    setup.exe /qb -r C:\responseUNinstall.ini 

Here is the Powershell i used to automate it.

# Source

$ScriptRoot = (Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)

$ShortLoc = $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE + '\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs'

# run Uninstall 

start-process -FilePath "$ScriptRoot\CrystalReports\setup.exe" -ArgumentList " -r $ScriptRoot\CrystalReports\responseUN.ini" -Wait -WindowStyle Hidden

Posted by: Lilly.sony 4 years ago
White Belt

Unfortunately this scenario cannot be performed silently, verified with vendor. 

inorder to perform silent installation a response file is needed with product key in  it.

Posted by: oleinwi 5 years ago
Orange Belt

Yes, you can by creating the response from an elevated command line setup.exe -w C:\Response.ini.  HOWEVER, in the fine print, you have go into that ini file and hack in your license key in or the silent install fails.  Where you see this in the response.ini file - 

### Product keycode productkey="XXXXX-XXXXXXX-XXXXXX-XXXXXXX-XX"

Put your product key in for the X's.

  • I have managed to get that to work when i run the command from CMD with admin privileges. Do you have an idea how I can deploy this as a managed kace install? batch script to run the exe and response file does not seem to work.. - nadeen1102 4 years ago
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