
Imaging Latitude 5430 troubles

Has anyone successfully imaged a Latitude 5430? They are really new, and I have gone through all the hoops, including working with support and just not getting anywhere. It is getting stuck at "set engine run key", but the device has a Window screen saying "let's connect to a network" and it's ditched the imaging process entirely. Notably the step that applies drivers goes by really fast, like it is not applying any at all. Closer inspection showed an error on this step that said it could not find the drivers at the expected location, but I have read about this being a false error with other models and it is giving it the pass so I am not sure...

Steps I have tried so far include:
Fighting with BIOS settings
Updating PE
injecting new model drivers directly into feed
etc etc etc

If anyone has had success with this model, share the love! Or if you want to give me another path to chase let me know. I am pretty knowledgeable within Kace systems and will try anything. 

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Answers (3)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Channeler 2 years ago
Red Belt

The Device will not send the confirmation flag to get pass the "Set Engine Run Key", until it hits the Windows Desktop\Login Screen.

It is unable to do so, because the Windows Setup is not getting there: "but the device has a Window screen saying "let's connect to a network"".
That happens when the Answer File (unattend.xml), is not answering the question in regards what to do with Networking, during the Setup.

I would recommend taking a look at the answer file, or attempt to deploy an older version of Windows 10 to test, like build 2004.

To discard this being a drivers injection related issue, from the KBE, perform Step #3, and pay attention to the screen, if the injection is happening there, then it is happening during the Deployment:

  • Thanks, I will dig into the drivers and unattend and hopefully one of these routes will get me somewhere! - Michelle.ashby 2 years ago
Posted by: Michelle.ashby 2 years ago
Purple Belt

Top Answer

So it turns out that the original drivers that were for this model were changed to Latitude E5430-vPro (originally had name "latitude latitude 5340") and new ones added with slightly different, but better, name (just "latitude 5430"), requiring it to be installed into the driver share again (and that other one removed). There are also other versions of the same model in there now... I am glad they got it sorted as the step for copy drivers is working as expected now!

  • What did you do to realize this? (What were the hints that lead you to this conclusion, about the name change for example) - Channeler 2 years ago
    • It is just what I observed. When we first ordered the new Latitude 5430, I went in to the driver feed to download the driver, as is my routine whenever we have new models. At that time the only drivers showing were "Latitude E5430" and "Latitude Latitude 5430 Rugged". I have record of this because I screenshot it and asked the Dell rep which I should be using for the model coming and they recommended the e5430 ones.

      Fast-forward to a month or so later when our new 5430 laptops arrived and low and behold, the drivers aren't working. Go back into the driver feed and notice there is a new driver choice, "latitude latitude 5430" (without the rugged). Because our model did not actually have the e in it, and the drivers weren't working (getting the error that the path could not be found on RSA), I removed the old one and tried this new one. Well, as you can see from this post, that did not work either, so I involved support at that point.

      After about a week back and forth, I looked at the driver feed again and found that the downloaded driver I had downloaded last had been renamed to "Latitude E5430-vPro" (as I said already). This had not even been an option originally! And now, there was also just a plain old "Latitude 5430" - what I had needed all along. So i removed the old one and downloaded the right one and it worked finally. I think this model was just getting sorted out? The driver feed seems to be updated all the time and I have automatically download new version checked so I would not have been alerted to the new version and name if it was a change to any I downloaded. - Michelle.ashby 2 years ago
      • I believe that is not the correct Driver pack, According to DELL site, the driver pack for the Latitude 5430, was just released Yesterday on June 22nd

        https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000181417/driver-pack-release-schedule - Channeler 2 years ago
      • It does amaze me that they can get the devices out to us before the drivers are readily available on the feed to be used; like I said I think it was just all being sorted. The link you have referred to Channeler is 'tentative' but if you look at the specific drivers for the model I was struggling to image:
        Latitude-5430 Windows10 6KT86 A02 05/27/2022 (https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-ca/000199961/latitude-5430-windows-10-driver-pack?lang=en)

        I can confirm, it is the correct one in the driver feed finally, thank goodness! The driver feed is indeed pulling version A02 for the model. So happy days! Most importantly, it images. When the copy drivers step was not working properly the image got stuck. Now it works, further evidence that the drivers are now working. - Michelle.ashby 2 years ago
      • In regards your KACE SDA version, is it 9.0 or older? - Channeler 2 years ago
Posted by: flotzilla 1 year ago
White Belt

I can tell you what I found in helping another with their MDT. My dept has 5430 Rugged and we just got 5430 non rugged. They have only the 5430 standard. They were having major driver issues and BSOD on OOBE. After many attempts to delete and readd drivers. I went old school. DL the CAB from Deploy Dell for 5430 extracted to a USB. Tried to manually install devices. All failed on 5430.

SO I had to ask myself why are ours working and his not? So we downloaded 5430 Rugged.....ALL DRIVERS WORKED Imaging returned. So either Dell messed up the drivers or they changed to rugged motherboard within standard chassis. Importing those drivers on my server has brought new issues to my dept. 

See error below. No answers yet. I am curious if a NOV patch broke my MDT

Scanning directories for the count of INFs to import.

Performing the operation "import" on target "Out-of-box drivers".

System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Parameter name: index ---> System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection.

Parameter name: index

   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException(ExceptionArgument argument, ExceptionResource resource)

   at Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn.Verifier.AddDriver(String theInfFile)

   at Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn.ImportDriver.ImportDrivers(String thePath)

   at Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn.ImportDriver.ImportDrivers(String thePath)

   at Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn.ImportDriver.ImportDrivers(String thePath)

   at Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn.ImportDriver.ImportDrivers(String thePath)

   at Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn.ImportDriver.ImportDrivers(String thePath)

   at Microsoft.BDD.PSSnapIn.ImportDriver.ProcessRecord()

   at System.Management.Automation.CommandProcessor.ProcessRecord()

   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---

   at System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PipelineBase.Invoke(IEnumerable input)

   at Microsoft.BDD.Wizards.DriverProgress.WizardProcessing()

   at Microsoft.BDD.Wizards.WizardProgress.InitiateWizardProcessing()

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