
How to START Outlook.exe through K1000 MI batch file

What the best way to START Outlook backup after installing software?  I do a taskkill to shut Outlook down.  I then install my Outlook plug in. All successfully but when I go to open it back up through the batch file it doesn't work. 

I've used:

For /F "Tokens=1" %%I In ('tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq OUTLOOK.EXE" /FI "USERNAME eq %Username%"') Do If /I "%%I"=="OUTLOOK.EXE" Goto :EOF

Start Outlook.exe


start "" "%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\outlook.exe"

But will not work in K1000 Managed Installations. 

If I launch the batch for both locally on the computer they both work fine just not through KACE MI.   

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Answers (1)

Posted by: chucksteel 3 years ago
Red Belt

Managed installs run in the context of the system user, so Outlook may be launching but wont' be visible to the logged in user. In order to relaunch Outlook you would need to detect the locally logged in user and launch the process as that user.

We found it easier to add a completion message to the managed install telling the user the installation is complete and they can now open Outlook.

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