
How to silently install Adobe Reader 11.0.03 with KACE?

I cannot find the parameters to install Reader 11.0.03 silently. For Reader 11.0.02 I used AdbeRdr110002_en_US.exe /sAll /rs /msi EULA_ACCEPT=YES but this will not work for the latest version. If anyone knows that would be great if you could share. Thanks!

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Answers (4)

Posted by: areiner 11 years ago
4th Degree Black Belt

I recommend using this tool here if you are familiar with MST's and transform files: http://www.adobe.com/support/downloads/detail.jsp?ftpID=5515

Also, for a silent install of the MSI I personally always use VBscript. So the syntax for the silent install given with your MSI would be this, you can probably extract the MSI from the EXE using winrar or something smiliar:

Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "msiexec /i adobeinstall.msi /qn"
Set WshShell = Nothing

If you did the customization wizard I linked, this would be your syntax:

Dim WshShell
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
WshShell.Run "msiexec /i adobeinstall.msi /qn TRANSFORMS=acrocustomization.mst"
Set WshShell = Nothing



Posted by: jegolf 11 years ago
Red Belt

Have you tried using the Adobe Customization Wizard to build a custom install and push that out? It gives you many options (including silent).



Posted by: nheyne 11 years ago
Red Belt

I've used "AdbeRdr11003_en_US.exe /msi EULA_ACCEPT=YES /qn" successfully.  Have you tried the /qn switch?

  • i couldn't get /qn to work for me. It still prompts what i want to do with automatic updates. - areiner 11 years ago
  • Try UPDATE_MODE=0 to disable update; I used that for Adobe Reader XI (11.0.00) - rockhead44 11 years ago
  • I tried both of these and it is not working. It still asks what I want to do with updates. Something with 11.0.03 must be different because all the other 11.x versions of Reader worked flawless. - jmv 11 years ago
    • I'm not sure what to tell you, I just tested it again with that exact line and it worked fine. Doesn't prompt me for anything. - nheyne 11 years ago
      • Yeah I don't get it. Are you using the K1000? - jmv 11 years ago
  • No even just manually. Have you tried that? It does need to run as administrator at least, if not the system user. - nheyne 11 years ago
    • No luck. - jmv 11 years ago
      • There must be something at the machine level then that is preventing it. The Customization Wizard may be the way to go for you if it works. - nheyne 11 years ago
Posted by: Rodrig0 7 years ago
White Belt
This works in Windows 7 Ent

AdbeRdr11010_en_US.exe /sAll /rs /l /msi /qb- /norestart EULA_ACCEPT=YES
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