
Email notification for category change

Is there a email notification that is sent up if a existing ticket gets their category changed to a category that sends notifications on new tickets?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 9 months ago
Red Belt

Nope you need to setup a ticket rule to send the email, use the TICKET_CHANGE table for the SQL and identify what text you want to pick out to trigger the rule

For example "Changed Ticket Category" so set the SQL if the value of the HD_TICKET_CHANGE.DESCRIPTION BEGINS WITH 'Changed Ticket Category' 

Then send the email from within the ticket rule, so you may need to select the email address of whoever will receive the email in the SELECT statement, hint, hide it in a hidden unused Custom field as a default value ;o)

I hope that helps

  • I'm seeing more and more references to SQL tables. With Custom Ticket Rules, do you need to use a third party app to determine the tables involved for Custom Ticket Rules? - MC9921 9 months ago
    • You can use any SQL tool, I use Toad, if you want to have call and get a quick guid to the KACE database then feel free to reach out, I would happy to help - Hobbsy 9 months ago

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