
Custom Rule for additional notifications

We are using a K1000 SMA. In the service desk module, we'd like to be able to send an SMS notification in addition to the email notification when a new ticket is open. I've tested and can send an sms (555-555-1212@mms.att.net) via the email sending diagnostic tool. So I know Kace can send this out. Support said I would need a custom rule, but wouldn't off any additional advice unless we pay for advanced support. Has anyone done something like this and if so, would you be willing to share advice? Thank you

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Answers (1)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Hobbsy 1 year ago
Red Belt

If you are saying that by sending an email to that email an SMS is sent, then you just need to setup the ticket rule to fire when the required state is reached.

So I would suggest you create a rule that runs every 15 mins and selects the ticket ID when the created date is within the last 15 mins.

You will then need to be able to select the email address from a data field, so I suggest add the email address to a custom field as the default value and make the field hidden, this means you can select it as a data variable and use it within the email as the target.

Update to original post......

So as an update here is an example of a simple ticket rule that may work.

First set your email address 555-555-1212@mms.att.net as the default value of a custom field, lets say Custom Field 16 for this example, and set that field to hidden within the ticket queue or template. This means that every ticket you now log will have a hidden text vale of that email address in field 16 or HD_TICKET.CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUE15 in the database and you can now call it as a variable to send an email from the ticket rule.

Setup your ticket rule like this


Note that the WHERE statement defines only that the ticket was created in the last 15 minutes and note our custom field containing the email address loaded in as EMAIL which can now be used in the "Column containing email address".

Set your email title and content and set the rule to run every 15 mins.

If you like you can also create a copy and set the to run on ticket save, it may get you a quicker response.

And that is how you do that....

Just as a footnote, that took me, a KACE consultant with over 10 years of experience approximately half an hour to setup and test, whereas it may have taken you days to work out.

Please remember if and when you engage a KACE professional you are paying for the years of experience that enables them to complete this is 30 minutes, not just for the 30 mins and also remember we have bills to pay as well!!

Now, just sit and think for a minute how much better your KACE ServiceDesk could be if you only purchased a single day of consulting........ 

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