
Can K1000 Asset Management perform calculations?

Hello! I am setting up a device asset detail and would like to track the following for cost of each device: unit cost, taxes, fees, and shipping. Is it possible to have fields for each and then a field that totals unit cost + taxes + fees+ shipping?

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  • I would like to be able to do the same thing but there is no ticket rule attached to Assets. Is there? - kiwiblue 4 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 5 years ago
Red Belt

Yes it can and the simple answer is to write a ticket rule to calculate whatever you need and populate the asset field with the answer.

So I would suggest you have the following fields:

Unit Cost - Field A

Taxes - Field B

Shipping - Field C

Total - Field D

First configure the rule so it only runs if field D is null, as that will prevent unnecessary server time.

Then simply write the ticket rule to select A, B and C and the update rule to calculate the value and populate D

We did this with our Asset Depreciation pack and rules so feel free to reach out for more information

  • I cant seem to find a ticket rule option in Asset Management. - kiwiblue 4 years ago
  • HI hobbsy. How did you do these calculations? - kiwiblue 4 years ago
    • Hey, so first you need to know that the ticket rules are in the servicedesk section. Next you need to understand that any code in the Ticket rule is not just related to ticket data, so in our example, we can use it to calculate a field in the Asset table. The select statement will need to select assets rather than tickets, and I would suggest you set the rule so it calculates only when the total field is null. That way only those assets without a total get calculated. - Hobbsy 4 years ago
      • Thanks Hobbsy. THat was going to be our approach. Use the data in the ticket to select the asset record and update it. - kiwiblue 4 years ago

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