
Add Machines to a manual label with KACE API

Hi, we install software by adding machines to manual labels. Now this should happen automatically.

Is there a way to do this with the KACE API? I would like to send the machinename with the API link.

I´m a absolut beginner with API´s.

Have you some code examples for me?

Thank you!

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • Please expand on what you are trying to do.

    Are you just looking to add computers to a label based off of installed software?

    If client machine has GoToMeeting installed Then Install GoToMeeting Outlook Plugin. - Desktop Jockey 7 years ago
  • Tank you for your answer.

    No, i just want to send the label-name/id and the machine name in the API Link and the K1000 adds this machine to this specified label.

    Not in dependence with installed software. - luedlluedl 7 years ago
    • Use Active Directory LDAP integration for this. After adding the workstation to the AD group, once the workstation performs inventory, the workstation will be automatically added to the KACE group. - napiert 6 years ago

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