
AD account for "Download Path User" keeps getting locked

On our K1000 the Active Directory account that has read-rights to the software-share on replication sites keeps getting locked. The user how tries to download a piece of software from the lib get the following error message in then local log:

[Thu Jun 05 12:08:47 2014] Error (win) copying files from 'smb://<domain>;<AD-account>:xxxxxxxx@<hostname Repl site>/KACE_DIST/repl2/software/33347/<softwarename>.zip.ed1ca39d8f6fb61e398489b5f3c9dc1a' to 'C:\ProgramData\Dell\KACE\downloads\33347\<softwarename>.zip' : (1909) The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to

When I check AD the account is locked. When I unlock it the user can download and install the software ok, but after only a short while the account is locked again.

We have 63 replication shares across different servers located at different sites. The account is the same for all sites.

Any clues on what can be causing this and how I can correct it?

1 Comment   [ + ] Show comment
  • usually this is caused be one automated task that the pw is wrong in and this is locking the account. - SMal.tmcc 10 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: rileyz 10 years ago
Red Belt

Sucks to be you, one of the most anoying things to sort out.

You'll have to spend some time logging and reading logs. Something will be locking it, you just have to find out from where and what.



Enoy your needle in a hay stack! (:

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