
2 issues: Windows not activating - Default apps are being reset after first login

Recently created a VM in VMware, brought it into Audit mode, created an answer file using Sysprep Creator that also had Copy Profile and my KMS server in it.  Sysprepped fine, Uploaded to the K2 fine.

1st Problem I'm seeing is when I load it on other systems, Windows is not activating because of "hardware changes"  (Windows reported that the hardware of your device has changed.  Error code: 0xC004F211)

2nd issue is upon initial logon Windows resets a bunch of apps back to defaults for no reason.

Thoughts on either issue?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Channeler 4 years ago
Red Belt

  • Windows activates fine if I boot up the VM that it was created on. It only seems to happen when I image a physical system from the captured WIM. From my research, the error code has to do with hardware changes which sounds right because it did change ALL hardware when put on the new system. Just makes no sense to me that it's only happening now. Seemed fine on 1903. - joseph.belanger@nichols.edu 4 years ago
    • Have you tried with 2004?

      You could also try activating it on your own from CMD and see if it prints an error.

      OR automate this with a post install task:

      You could use a Post Install task for the activation and see what happens:

      Add BAT File to the Post Installation Task, so it can Elevate the BAT Script to activate windows.
      *NOTE: This step will only work if Powershell is installed/enabled on the sysprepd' image.
      *NOTE: You can either capture an image with Powershell installed/enabled or install it/enable it with a Post Installation Task.

      Create a new bat file with this parameters: powershell.exe -Command "Start-Process Activation.bat -Verb RunAs" and name it Elevate.bat.

      This command will call Powershell.exe to run the Activation.bat as an Administrator. This will use the local administrator user to elevate the command.

      Create a new bat file with this parameters and name it Activation.bat:
      cscript C:\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs -IPK XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX
      cscript C:\Windows\System32\slmgr.vbs -ATO

      These are the parameters used on the batch file for your Windows Activation Post Installation Task. You can either create a new batch file or rename the original, but you will need to add the name to the Elevate.bat on the parameters.
      Add these two .bat files to a zip using Windows Zip Utility.

      Other compressing tool may not work correctly with the KSDA.
      Create a New Application Post Installation Task and upload as dependencies the zip file containing the .bat files.

      On the parameters field put Elevate.bat
      Add the Post Installation Task to the image and deploy it.

      If your physical devices are failing to do so, that means they can't reach the activation server. Network issue, or DNS issue (If it's KMS) or maybe the network driver is not ready when the activation happens? - Channeler 4 years ago
      • I have something similar setup already. The Windows 10 version is "Education" When I run the two slmgr lines from above It activates the OS as Windows 10 Pro for Workstations. It's the same key for both according to our licensing agreement. If I try to do more than one, I get an error saying something along the line of "This key has already been used (Even through it's a KMS key) - joseph.belanger@nichols.edu 4 years ago
      • if that's the case, then your License SKU number, is NOT for Education versions.

        I would suggest contacting MS and telling them your education boxes are being activated as Pro.

        I bet they are NOT contacting your KMS server for some reason, but activating with MS Activation Servers instead. - Channeler 4 years ago
      • Channeler, ALL of my other systems are using the same Lic key and activating as Windows 10 Education. The only difference that we did was create the base image from a VM.. I did check our KMS server and it doesn't seem to have the hostname of the new computer. We did just find something out about Newer Windows images not activating on the KMS because something needed to be updated on the KMS server. We are testing now. - joseph.belanger@nichols.edu 4 years ago
      • I see... I don't use EDU versions, but someone else from the future could stumble upon this post with the same escenario. - Channeler 3 years ago
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