
KACE Service Desk Virtual User Group

KACE Service Desk Virtual User Group

Are you a Service Desk User? If you are interested in joining a KACE Service Desk Virtual User Group - for and by KACE SMA users - let us know by dropping us a quick email here: KACEServiceDesk@quest.com. If there is enough interest in forming this group, you will be contacted with the details soon. Thanks in advance for your interest!


  • Are there other virtual user groups as well? - jamie.kerr 5 years ago
  • Hi Jamie, There is also an Education Virtual User Group. So far, most of the Education user group webinars have been generic enough that they would benefit any user. Take a look at that community and see what you think. https://www.itninja.com/community/education-user-group/blog There are also some good posts by our partner Indigo Mountain there as well. Finally, the KACE KKE (KACE Kontinuing Education) forum is another great place to "ask the expert." https://support.quest.com/kace-systems-management-appliance/training/154/kace-kontinuing-education - KenG 5 years ago
  • Thank you Ken for the link to the KKEs. I thought those were done away with. I learned so much with the weekly interactives and then going through the archive. Glad to hear that is still going on. - AndrewQ 5 years ago
    • You are very welcome. And Ron just posted some "What's New in 9.1" videos, too. - KenG 5 years ago
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